Who are your fellow students? It can feel like you are all alone in your studies, but across the nation, around the globe, students like you are also pursuing their AU education, and The Voice Magazine wants to bring their stories to you. If you would like to be featured next, do not hesitate to… Read more »
Volume 30, Issue 4 - 01/28/2022
From my early beginnings as a young introvert, the public library has always been a bit of a refuge. Years later, not much has changed, albeit with an additional affinity for endless hours spent scouring second-hand bookstores to add to my ever-growing “to-read” pile. From one bookworm to another, this column will be underscoring and… Read more »
Happy New Year! The start of a new year is always exciting as we make new goals, plan new fun adventures, and start fresh. For me, January has been filled with puppy training and catching up with all tasks at home. Whether you’re relaxing in January, working, studying, or taking care of others, pick up… Read more »
I think many of us enjoy Sunday dinner. I’m talking about the spread that is usually a little bit fancier. The kind that you often visit relatives for or invite family over to have. At least, a few years ago, that’s what it meant. We’ve had to adapt and change some preparation methods over the… Read more »
Dear Barb: I am the grandmother of a three-year-old. Her mother (my daughter) has a drug problem and I do not feel she is taking proper care of my granddaughter. I have gone to her apartment in the middle of the afternoon and my granddaughter is alone in her room still in her pajamas, while… Read more »
Some issues are more difficult than others. Not because of the technical aspects of editing, but rather because of the content. It’s tempting for me to look at articles I disagree with and decide to simply not publish them. But I know I have certain biases, and so I try to err on the side… Read more »
If you have an angel who loves you unconditionally, who’d do anything to keep you safe, who bursts with infinite joy at every good deed you do, and who weeps with you and holds you during your every heartache, wouldn’t you feel truly loved and understood? To become the ultimate Valentine, it’s time to become… Read more »
All kids (and grown-ups!) worry sometimes. Helping our children learn how to effectively cope with their worries is arguably one of the most important skills we can teach them. As the mother of a self-proclaimed worrywart and classic over-thinker, here are a few tips and tricks that have worked for us. Make A Worry Box… Read more »
Good habits shape good decision making. It means that once we continue a behavior, our brain can be on autopilot and focus on bigger priorities. For example, the routine of brushing our teeth before bed saves our brain-space from worrying about it as a task. The same goes for many other good habits such as… Read more »
Earth’s greatest challenges have historically been pollution, whether in the form of greenhouse gasses or waste disposal, but tech leaders are leading that fight and may have us on a path to a fully sustainable world. From the mass introduction of electric-powered vehicles to ocean clean-up systems, technology has contributed to an increasing quality of… Read more »
What matters most and how do we represent it? Not COVID; COVID doesn’t matter most, not in our sense of ourselves as AU students. We are bigger than our times. The tragedy of propaganda, whether true or false, as George Orwell reminded his readers, is that propaganda reduces our minds as it claims to represent… Read more »
Calendars and scheduling are absolutely essential for high-performing students. I watched my calendar like a hawk prior to grad school. Doing so ensured I met deadlines necessary for top grades. It may take some time to adapt to the system—at first. But once you get used to it, you’ll benefit a thousand-fold. It’s like when… Read more »
Tensions are escalating between Russia and the Ukraine—again. Long-time Voice columnist, Hazel Anaka, penned a pair of columns back in 2014, voicing her concerns about that year’s Russia-Ukraine tensions. Ukrainian at heart. Hazel Anaka expresses her concern and outrage at events unfolding in her beloved Ukraine. “I’m sick of the corruption, the entitlement, the insanity,… Read more »
AthaU Facebook Group Overlapping Degrees A student wonders if it’s possible to start a Masters program while still finishing off the undergraduate degree. Students respond noting that the program can’t be entered, but the graduate level courses can be taken as a non-program student, but that probably wouldn’t qualify for funding. reddit DegreeWorks Difficulties People… Read more »
Pride Student Lounge Mon, Jan 31, 12:00 to 1:00 pm MST Online via Zoom Hosted by AUSU www.ausu.org/event/pride-student-lounge-2/ Email ausu@ausu.org for Zoom link Virtual Student Lounge Wed, Feb 2, 10:00 to 11:00 am MST Online via Zoom Hosted by AUSU www.ausu.org/event/virtual-student-lounge-2/ Email ausu@ausu.org for Zoom link All events are free unless otherwise noted
Scholarship name: Stacey Levitt award Sponsored by: Parachute Deadline: February 27, 2022, 11:59 EST Potential payout: $2500 Eligibility restriction: Applicants must be Canadian citizens or landed immigrants currently attending a Canadian secondary school. What’s required: A completed application form, along with a letter of recommendation, and a 2- to 3-page essay addressing a specified topic… Read more »