The Voice Magazine recently had a chance to chat with Marianne van der Ahé (she/her), a Bachelor of Anthropology student currently located in Edmonton, Alberta. “This program is covering all my areas of interest, and so far I’m loving it. I have no career plans once I finish; I would like to be done by… Read more »
Volume 31, Issue 18 - 05/12/2023
From my early beginnings as a young introvert, the public library has always been a bit of a refuge. Years later, not much has changed, albeit with an additional affinity for endless hours spent scouring second-hand bookstores to add to my ever-growing “to-read” pile. From one bookworm to another, this column will be underscoring and… Read more »
I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off! Spring has sprung, and May rolled in like a lion! This pace has prevented me from getting these recipes done for a while, but here is another entry into my compendium of culinary delights. This week I made myself a delicious breakfast… Read more »
For many of us, long before we were students at AU, our very first professor was our Mother! For others, mother figures have appeared in different forms, but each of us began life with at least one crucial caregiver. Mother’s Day is a chance to show gratitude to the women who raised us and the… Read more »
Artist: Riyah Album: Ripped Jeans Riyah (also known as her real name, Maria Kjær) will be releasing her debut EP Ripped Jeans on June 9th, 2023. The album will be available for streaming anywhere you get your music. If you can’t wait that long, Riyah has already released two singles from the EP: “Dead Rose”… Read more »
Dear Barb: I am in my early twenties, and I live with my single mother. We have always gotten along great. Since my parents divorced my mom has dated a few guys, but none seriously until recently. She has met a guy who is ten years younger than her, but that’s not the issue. Mom… Read more »
A quick reminder that Mother’s Day is right around the corner (or you just missed it depending on when you read this). To that end, this week we’ve got a couple of articles loosely connected to the theme. Starting with the Fly on the Wall that looks at our learning journey’s start with our very… Read more »
For some reason, the theme of wellness has been cropping up with depressing regularity on my Google news feed of late. Articles with titles like “Seven Tips for Living a Longer and Healthier Life,” “Ten Lifestyle Changes That Will Help You Achieve Your Potential,” “36 Habits of Successful and Annoyingly Smug Twats.” I know that… Read more »
Every now and then I come across a book that I know will be an interesting read, and Mehdi Hasan’s “How to Win Every Argument – The Art of Debating, Persuading, and Public Speaking” is one of those books. There are four parts to the book and each part provides a solid road map to… Read more »
If we have learned anything by watching how people behave in-person, online, or when they think nobody is watching them, it is that psychology, much like people, tends to be divergent and a phenomenon, that is only understandable after a careful assessment of all the facts. These facts are also why trying to forcibly change… Read more »
The places we go have huge implications for our wellbeing. Some places are likely to cause conflict; others, harmony. And one step into the wrong place can lead to fifty more into despair. Similarly, one step in the right place, can lead to fifty more into happiness. We make the choice. So, with that said,… Read more »
I could not work for many years due to chronic fatigue syndrome and severe anxiety. But I have since overcome these conditions and am back in the workforce. The workforce offers enormous opportunities for growth and self-development that government assistance could never provide. We all have something to contend with, whether disability, poverty, or some… Read more »
Library Chat Tues, May 16, 10:30 am to 2:30 pm MDT Online Hosted by AU Library No pre-registration needed; access through chat box on home page Library Chat Wed, May 17, 10:30 am to 2:30 pm MDT Online Hosted by AU Library No pre-registration needed; access through chat box on home page Faculty… Read more »
Scholarship name: Progressive Automations Scholarship Program Sponsored by: Progressive Automations Deadline: June 15, 2023 Potential payout: $2500 CAD Eligibility restriction: Applicants must be enrolled in the September 2023 semester at a recognized Canadian or U.S. post-secondary university or college in a full-time engineering program. What’s required: An online application, along with a description or design… Read more »
A Japanese journalist’s camera turns up sixteen years after he was killed covering protests in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma). After you read the story, check out our coverage of 2007 events. The Saffron Revolution. Mandy Gardner looks back at the Burmese protests and other world events in this news feature. “[T]he ruling Burmese junta… Read more »
With Mother’s Day coming up on Sunday, May 14, we combed through our (tidy and organized) archives to retrieve a pair of articles reflecting different facets of the role of mothers. An unapologetic love song. Carole E Trainor pens a lyrical tribute to her mother. “With a fistful of wooden pins and a mind intent… Read more »