Congratulations to those students who’ve finished off their degree this year. Whether you know what you’re doing next or not, you’ve achieved a milestone that you can carry with you. One that not only says you have an area of mental expertise, but also that you have been taught, hopefully, how to use your own… Read more »
Posts Tagged: critical thinking
Today’s critical thinking once sounded crazy. Would Elvis have considered today’s options for gender? That he could become a woman who loves women but identifies as a man? A product of critical thought, stemming from feminist theory on gender. So, what’s wrong with critical thinking? In my view, critical thought has a victim mindset. A… Read more »
Are universities puppets for the powerful and wealthy? Well, ask yourself, Who funds the theory? And Who says what counts as critical thinking? Today’s universities seem more political, less practical, even less economical than ever before. I saw an AU business thesis, not on economic matters, not on shareholder dividends, but on postcolonial feminism in… Read more »