Like most people, I cannot believe it is April. With the warm weather returning, many of us look forward to the spring and summer where hopefully things will improve, and life will get a little bit closer to normal. In the meantime, try some of these recommended reads for April! Selfie by Will Storr Personally,… Read more »
Bashing the notion of New Year’s Resolutions has become mainstream; people have become increasingly jaded and disillusioned. With threats of global warming, weather catastrophes, and the continued support of psychopaths leading our countries on a downward spiral, resolutions can seem downright laughable. I’m one of those people who believe it’s the small things that create… Read more »
The Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī (1207-1273) was a Persian Muslim scholar and mystic who spent most of his life in the area now known as Afghanistan. Rumi left behind a massive body of beautiful, deeply meaningful poetry well worth the study of those seeking peace, wholeness, and higher understanding, no matter which path they follow… Read more »
Our parents have always encouraged us to study hard for tests in school. We know we need to study to be prepared; others tell us good luck on our studies. But, have you ever examined your study process? Do you habitually schedule study time every week or do you just read all your course material… Read more »
Energy conservation is a hot topic these days. With a surging global population, rapid inflation, and the consequences of pollution and global warming, now is the time to change how Canadians use electricity in the home. While we need electricity for day to day living, creating habits to save on electricity is our responsibility for… Read more »