The Barcelona Forum 2004. Contributed By The Community Networks Group

The Barcelona Forum 2004. Contributed By The Community Networks Group

The first Universal Forum of Cultures is a new international event which will bring thousands of people to Barcelona from all over the world in 2004. The Forum’s principal aim is to contribute to a renewal of thought and attitudes, providing a new platform for moving towards a new coexistence without conflict and in a world fit for living in.

The first Universal Forum of Cultures will take place in 2004 in Barcelona. It opens on the 9th of May, Europe Day, and closes on the 26th of September, coinciding with the local festivities of La Mercè, the city’s patron saint. The Forum will last 141 days!

The Barcelona Forum 2004 SEE: co-organized by the Barcelona City Council, the Catalan autonomous Government and the Spanish Government, with UNESCO as the main partner. The Agenda for this major gathering is based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the working principles of the United Nations.
In agreement with Unesco, the Barcelona Forum 2004 is structured around three core themes: cultural diversity, sustainable development and conditions for peace. Join us at the Barcelona Forum 2004 as move forward towards a world that is sustainable and more humane.