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Classifieds are free for AU students! Contact for more information.

TEACH ENGLISH Overseas: Jobs $$ Guaranteed-Great Pay. TESOL Certified 5 days in-class, on-line or by correspondence. FREE Information Seminar. FREE Infopack: 1-888-270-2941 or globaltesol.com

AUSU GROUPS AND CLUBS COMMITTEE: The AUSU Clubs Committee is looking for student members who can commit just a few hours a month to answer email, and be part of a group committed to fostering and promoting student clubs and coffee groups at AU. Anyone interested in finding out more about this committee can email the chair, Lonita Fraser, at

Red Deer Athabasca University students meet at the Chapter’s Starbucks on the last Thursday of every month. From 8 pm to 9 pm, the goal is to share ideas that will help us all be successful AU students and collectively resolve our specific issues.

Contact Ryan,