Happy Holidays from AUSU!
As the holiday season draws to a close, we hope you’ve had a chance to rest and relax with those who are important to you?and maybe even squeeze in a little bit of homework time!
Election Timelines Finalized
As we move into the new year, Council is also very pleased to announce that our 2012 election timelines have been finalized! we’ll be hiring a Chief Returning Officer (CRO) in January, and on February 6, a Call for Nominations will be released, giving you all the information you’ll need to run for AUSU Council, 2012-2014. Nominations will remain open until February 20, and campaigning will occur between Feb. 21 and March 2. All current students will be able to vote online March 3-6. Joining AUSU Council is a great way to serve your fellow students, as well as gain valuable leadership experience, so I encourage you to consider running in our upcoming elections. If you don’t have time to commit to being on Council yourself, though, you can at least get involved by reading about the candidates and casting an educated ballot.
Awards Policy Changes and Updates
Council has recently reviewed and revised many of our standing polices, and some exciting changes have taken place, particularly in our policy on Scholarships, Awards, and Bursaries. While previously, many of our awards were offered twice yearly, in November and May, we’re now going to be offering our awards more often?some will still be offered year-round, while the remainder will be available on a quarterly basis. We hope that this will make sure that more students are eligible, and don’t miss out on awards just because of the way their course start and end dates line up with our awards dates. And we’ve also increased the number of some awards given, as well! You can find all the details on our website.
AGM Dates Coming Soon
Each year, AUSU ensures that an independent third-party auditor is hired to check over the organization’s financial records and governance. The auditor’s findings are then compiled and submitted to the members?you, our AU undergraduate students?at an annual general meeting. This meeting takes place by teleconference, so you can participate from almost anywhere, and is open to all current members. Members of the AUSU Executive will present updates on the year in review, in addition to the financial documents. There will also be motions to update a few outdated bylaw and policy points. A date for this year’s AGM has not yet been finalized, as we await the final documents from our auditors, but as soon as a date is set, an agenda will be drawn up and posted on our website. Keep your eyes open! We’d love to have you join us!
Have you heard . . .
. . . that our brand new 2012 Student Handbook/Planners are now mailing!? Yes, That’s right?they’re hot off the press! Some of the information in these little books is priceless when it comes to helping AU students navigate the university and our services?but they’re free for you, just for being an AUSU member! We even mail them right to your door. All you have to do is ask!
. . . there’s a new AUSU website on the way? We want our site to provide dynamic content and updates so that It’s a place that you, as an AU student, WANT to visit regularly! If you have suggestions on content you’d like to see on our website, please get in touch with us to share your ideas.
. . . that AU is currently re-examining their course materials model? Currently, the cost of all undergraduate courses includes access to the necessary textbooks, and these are usually mailed directly to your door. This is convenient for many students, but many others have asked for the opportunity to look for bargains elsewhere, or to buy and sell used textbooks. What about you? How do you feel about the course materials system at AU? AU is asking students for their opinion! Email president@ausu.org your thoughts on student textbooks and learning resources, and we’ll make sure that they’re voiced in the appropriate committee!
. . . about our SmartDraw program? After much discussion, we’ve decided that this is a valuable service to students, so we’ve renewed our licenses for 2012! SmartDraw is a software package that allows students to create high-quality charts and graphics, and to insert these into a file type of their choice. Get your copy today, and let us know what you think.
Get in touch with us
Have comments or questions about AUSU or anything in this column? Feel free to get in touch with AUSU President Bethany at president@ausu.org. You can also email our office at ausu@ausu.org or call 1.800.788.9041 ext. 3413. We’d love to hear from you!
This column is provided by AUSU to facilitate communication with its members. The Voice does not write or edit this section; all content has been exclusively and directly provided by AUSU, and any questions or comments about the material should be directed to ausu@ausu.org.