Women of Interest – Dr. Jennie Smilie Robertson

Dr. Jennie Smillie Robertson was born February 10, 1878 in Hensall, Ontario, and died in 1981 in Toronto, Ontario. She was Canada’s first female surgeon. Dr. Smillie began her career as a teacher until she could save enough money to attend Kingston’s Ontario Medical School. When she graduated in 1909, she had to do her residency in Philadelphia?no hospital in Toronto would accept her. Two years later, she returned to Canada and was the first female to perform surgery. Dr. Smillie did not marry until the age of 70 and lived to the age of 103. In 2013 a new parkette in Hensall is being named in her honour.

Here is a video of the residents of Hensall Ontario discussing why they believe Dr. Jennie Smillie Robertson should be the female face on new Canadian currency.

Additional information on Dr. Jennie Smillie Robertson is available at the following websites: