Vintage Voice

Unearthing classic articles from previous issues of The Voice Magazine.

AU courses start any month of the year, but September is still the traditional  back-to-school month.  Here are a couple article from the vault that still resonate today.

Taking the plunge.  Veteran Voice contributor Hazel Anaka recounts her elation—and misgivings—when returning to school 29 years after college.  “When my box of textbooks, novels, short story collection and study guides arrived through Canada Post I was alternately giddy with excitement and terrified with apprehension.”  From Where I Sit – Back to School, December 3, 2003.

Counting the years.  Former Voice editor, AUSU councillor, and AUSU executive director Tamra Ross ponders the notion of a university “year” at AU.  “Often students who study at a steady, relentless pace fail to realize how far they have come.”  Back to School Blues?, August 28, 2002.