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- Jan 24: AUSU Election – Nominations Open
- Jan 30: Deadline to apply for course extension for Mar
- Feb 7: AUSU Election – Nominations Close
- Feb 10: Deadline to register in a course starting Mar 1
- Feb 12: AUSU Election – Candidates Announced
- Feb 15: Mar degree requirements deadline

Run for Student Council!

Do you want to get involved with your Athabasca University Students’ Union?
Are you interested in advocating on behalf of your fellow AU students and helping to create a student community for AU students all over the world?
Would you like to participate in guiding the Students’ Union in its mission to provide support and services to your fellow students?
Do you want to be part of an amazing team of AUSU staff and councillors and take your AU student experience to the next level?
If so, then run for AUSU Student Council!
AU undergraduate students can run for council no matter where they live or what they study. Since AU students are all distance learners, councillors participate remotely from all over the world, and most council work is done through email and teleconference.
There are 13 council seats available, which will be elected during the AUSU general election held February 25 to March 2, 2020. Additionally, following the general election, the new council will internally elect the three executive positions – President, VP External and Student Affairs, and VP Finance and Administration.
To run for council, submit the completed Nomination Package to the Chief Returning Officer, Bailey Daines, at by February 7, 2020.
Visit the AUSU website here for more info.

AUSU Open Mic Podcast

Episode 19: Take your AU Experience to the Next Level – AUSU Student Elections
AU student councillors Brandon Simmons and Natasha Donahue chat about the benefits of sitting on AUSU’s student council, and how easy it is to get involved. Student leadership starts with nominating yourself to run in the AUSU election! AU undergraduate students can run for council no matter where they live, and nominations are open until February 7, 2020.
Starring: AUSU President Brandon Simmons, AUSU VP External and Student Affairs Natasha Donahue, and AUSU Executive Director Jodi Campbell.
Check out our website for all AUSU Open Mic Episodes.

AUSU Executive Blog

It’s the start of a new year, which means new beginnings and a new election! AUSU President Brandon Simmons shares insights about what it is like working on AUSU student council, what his experience has been, and what AUSU has worked on over the past few years. He also offers tips for students who want to learn more about the opportunity of being on council and preparing for the election!