AthaU Facebook Group
Steps in order: a student attempting to withdraw from a course on the last contract day runs into a roadblock because withdrawals can’t be processed for a course if the exam has already been requested. An AU staffer pitches in with steps to take to get it all done, in order and on time.
Let me count the ways: A discussion on acceptable word ranges for essays concludes that coming within 5 to 10% of target word count is generally satisfactory (but always wise to ask the tutor.)
@austudentsunion tweets: “Our #Inspire2021 Contest closes on Wednesday, February 10th! Tell us what inspires you while studying at @AthabascaU with a Tweet, FB status or IG pic and tag us for the chance to win a $250 Amazon Card! More info at”
Yes, there is an AU campus! See the real deal on the 7-minute 360 Virtual Tour of Athabasca University.