AskOxford’s “Ask the Expert” section can tell you things like what comes after “tertiary”, what a group of swordfish are called, definitions of grammatical terms and questions on punctuation. “Better Writing” has tips and guidelines on report writing, writing for the Internet, vocabulary, grammar, information on common writing mistakes, and much more. “World of Words” has links to the Oxford English Dictionary, the history of English, Internet words, quotations, and even a section called “Tolkien and the OED”. “Games” is just what it says; a collection of word games of all sorts including crosswords, the history of Scrabble, and even some party games you could play with friends. “World English” is a section devoted to several issues regarding the usage of English worldwide, core English common to all speakers, the artificially sanitized form of English made for international use, and World English as a collective term for all the different varieties of English worldwide. There is also a section called “Foreign Languages” which contains resources on learning other languages, articles and book information on cultural and language issues worldwide.
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