Click of the Wrist – Keeping it Clean

Now that you’ve decluttered and organized your workspace, you want to keep it that way. These tips will give you the tools you need to create your own system for managing the flow of paper and other office clutter:

Make a Pile
We all make piles?the trick is to deal with them before they get out of hand. Here, the ZenHabits blogger suggests how to process your paperwork daily.

Organize Your Desk
Organizing your desk shouldn’t be done without a strategy. This article gives guidance on how to organize logically, prioritizing what you’ll use often and hiding items that are less important.

Nightly Habit
As this article suggests, making a habit of straightening your desk area every evening keeps the clutter from overtaking your workspace again.

Go Minimalist
The more you have, the more you have to take care of?and a minimalist workspace means less time spent keeping it neat. Check out these ideas for a creating a work area that’s a little easier to manage.