AthaU Facebook Group
Laurie asks who to contact so she can switch invigilators after booking an exam. Shawna shares a link to a Facebook group for AU BMgmt students. Alicia seeks info on gown colours for AU grad photos.
Other posts include challenging courses for credit, Google Scholar, crocodiles, Adobe Connect, and courses IDRL 308, MATH 365, PHIL 333, and PSYC 345.
prothirteen seeks to pass on sub mod duties to someone with experience managing online communities.
@AthabascaU tweets: “?Today we face an opportune time in our story….as we have done before we will rise to an architect of learning.? ~ #AthaU‘s 8th President.”
@AthabascaUSU (AUSU) tweets: “Need a new computer for your studies but too broke to buy? Apply for AUSU’s Computer Bursary to get a FREE laptop!”