AthaU Facebook Group
You can’t escape the cute cat pictures anywhere on the internet. Kari shows how her cat loves receiving textbooks just as much as she does. (Good luck doing that with e-texts!)
Kevin asks about out of province pricing, as the figures for tuition don’t seem to match his receipts. Students point out that there are materials fees and others added on.
Casey asks about delaying exams when booking through AU and Proctor U, it’s noted that within 10 days can be done without involving AU.
Also being discussed, delays in grading, using RRSPs for education, and balancing employment with AU studies.
@AthabascaU tweets: “Have you had the chance to learn about our trailblazing AU MBA alumni @denise_pothier? Denise is of French Acadian and Mi’kmaq heritage, and earned one of Canada’s Most Powerful Women: Top 100™ Awards from @WXN. #NationalAcadianDay #FeteNationaleAcadie”
@austudentsunion tweets: “Being a student can be tough. Being a student while juggling work, family & health can be even tougher. If you are struggling and need someone to talk to, there is help available, through @AthabascaU‘s Homewood Health program.“