Posts By: Jason Sullivan

Jason Sullivan

An unofficial AU advocate at large, Jason never misses a chance to recount the merits of an Athabasca education. Jason’s studies began alone in front of a rustic rural fireplace in December of 2003 and carried on through various brick and mortar college classrooms yet always with Athabasca as part of his journey. In 2014 he completed his BA in Sociology and in 2022 graduated with an MA in Cultural Studies. To this end, his columns seek to explore edifying moments of learning how to learn within the challenging ideological terrain of that great bugaboo facing students everywhere: the real world!

Fly on the Wall—Atoms Among Us, Atoms As Us

It’s been said that no person is an island, but could it be we’re each grains of sand forming a luscious beach?  The philosopher, Democritus, of Ancient Greece, suggested that all the world was made up of atoms, tiny particles that Lego®’d themself into semblances of order as rocks, trees, and humans.  “The atomists argued… Read more »

Fly on the Wall—Easter Eggs Dropped From a Helicopter

The buzz and hubbub of inchoate spring, a season born in fits and starts, between hail and frost, parallels our academic potential.  Besides rushing to and fro, tidying and maintaining yard and garden, the season of rebirth is a great time to lean on a metaphysical rake and take stock of that flourishing enterprise we… Read more »

Fly on the Wall—Vacuums and Their Potential

What matters most in life?  If you’ve been asked by friends or family “what the matter is,” or been confronted with claims that you possess too much of a scowl for your own good, or that dreaded resting bitch face, you know that matter is more than a physicist’s imaginary landscape of facts, figures, and… Read more »

Fly on the Wall—April Fools as Repressive Desublimation

An April Fool’s joke, honed to perfection and often benefiting from the victim being recently awakened from an overnight slumber, serves for more than mere guffaws.  Laughter on this day serves to shine torchlight on the nature of everyday reality; that is, normality’s relatively preposterous underpinnings.  Life, like our learning, requires levity to function.  Does… Read more »

Fly on the Wall—Just Because

A rising tide raises all boats.  Except for the leaky ones.  And trickle-down economics states that we all benefit when those at the top get rich.  Unless we live near toxic runoff from tar-sand projects or major in academic topics not sanctioned for lavish remuneration by the powers that be.  Wherever there are causes there… Read more »

Fly on the Wall—Progress Not Perfection

Working from home has probably gained cachet by being a preferable alternative to COVID scares and toxic workplace cultures.  As distance students, we might then fly into a heavy course load and figure it’d all be free sailing.  Just catch the breeze of your inner motivation, right?  And no commutes to class in January, booyah!… Read more »

Fly on the Wall—Humility and Vanity

What do we learn by becoming adult students?  Humility, maybe, in the face of a labour market culture that values us chiefly on our ability to bring in the big dough—usually for someone else.  Probably we all know a few folks who make, uh, phat cash on things that history may judge them negatively for. … Read more »

Fly on the Wall—Requiem for a Yew Tree

Academic disciplines are by nature exclusive in their views.  The word discipline says it all; disciplinary actions invoke strictures and disciplinary biases reveal a denuded emperor within any thought structure.  There are no limits to creativity as the re-forming of reality; learning is as much about unlearning prior beliefs than about gaining information.  In the… Read more »

Fly on the Wall—Convoys and Herstory

Tom Petty once sang that “love is a long, long, road” (Petty, online).  The same is true of herstory, and particularly the herstory of dissent and protest.  In Martin Luther’s time, German peasants took literally the Protestant call for worldly authority to bow to scripture and the supremacy of personal relations with the other-worldly.  It… Read more »