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Classifieds are free for AU students! Contact for more information.

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY AND REIKI. Tired of sore shoulders, back or neck? History of injury or overwork causing chronic pain? Stop treating the short term… treat long-term with Craniosacral Therapy and Reiki. Laura Seymour–level 4 graduate of Upledger Institute and teaching assistant. Calgary, (403) 262-5589

AU SPORTS CLUB, NOW ONLINE! The AU Student Sports Club is now online at . If you are an AU student who is interested in sports, or in getting to know others who are, check out our new site and fill out a membership form if you like that you see. It’s free to join!

AU SCIENCE STUDENTS SOCIETY The AUSSS is now online at The club is open to all AU students with an interest in any of the sciences, and has a private discussion forum with the AUSU forums system.