This space is provided free to AUSU: The Voice does not create or edit this content. Contact services@ausu.org with any questions.
- July 12: Public Council Meeting
- July 16: AUSU 26th Anniversary
- Aug 9: Public Council Meeting and Town Hall

Policy Updates
AUSU’s Council and staff have been hard at work updating our policies.
We’ve modified our Anti-Harassment Council Governance policy to help create a safer space for members.
Our Executive Committee Policy has been updated to better fulfill members’ needs.
Many of our Committees’ Terms of Reference have been updated as well to ensure our committees are running efficiently to best represent our members.
Policy 8.01, 8.02 & 8.04
Stay tuned for more important policy updates!

Did someone say contest?
Check out our Instagram to find out how you can win some amazing prizes?

Follow us @austudentsunion to join in on the good times!
Contact Us
Phone (local): 780-497-7000
Phone (toll free): 1-855-497-7003
Email: admin@auss.org
Twitter: @austudentsunion
Facebook: @austudentsunion
Instagram: @austudentsunion
Website: ausu.org

How to Join the Council Meetings from Anywhere
AUSU uses an on-line conferencing system. Go to https://athabasca.pgimeet.com/AUSUCouncil, select “Enter as a guest”, enter your name and email address and click “Join Meeting”. In a moment the “Connect Audio” box will pop up. Under the “Call My Phone” tab, enter your phone number and extension if applicable and click “Connect Me”. The system will call your telephone for the audio component of the meeting.

You can also connect audio through your computer, but your speaker and microphone set-up may affect sound quality for you and other participants. If, and only if, you do not have computer access for the meeting, you may join the audio only portion of the meeting by calling 1-877-806-9883 and entering the participant code 206869#.