COVID 19 illuminates our global connectedness
Yet now it keeps us apart
Great efforts are underway to fight this disease
Although we missed out on an early start
Everywhere new groups are forming
With no time for norming
Amidst political storming
Essential workers show true grit and heart
It takes only a small group to spread great ideas
In search of a vaccine
Weighing risks and benefits
While we watch in horror the areas hardest hit
If we work hard
If we all work together
We may weather the many hardships
It will command great effort and partnerships
If we value human life
If we truly collaborate
We can beat COVID 19
Or at least see it abate
[Christine wrote this as part of her NURS 625 course, so it is not original, but she was encouraged to share it with other students, and was happy to provide it for free for publication in The Voice Magazine –Ed.]