AUSU Update!

Federal Election Coming This Monday!

The Federal Election is September 20 and your vote matters! The AU student body vote brings weight to issues your President and Vice-President External discuss with Members of Parliament and government officials. By voting, you make it easier to advocate for lowering interest on loans, increasing bursaries, expanding job programs, and more!

Don’t have ID? You can still vote! Simply declare your identity and address in writing and have someone vouch for you who knows you and is assigned to the same polling station. There are also other acceptable ID types aside from a driver’s license including student cards, utility bills, and credit cards. For more info on acceptable ID and how to vote without ID, click here.

So, find your voting location at Elections Canada and make your voice heard!

This is your last week to check out our election posts on social for more info and tips. Your engagement enters you into our AMAZING CONTESTS! We’re giving away Apple AirPods, $100 Amazon gift cards, and AUSU swag packs.

Discover why you should cast your vote in the federal election in the latest AUSU Executive Blog. Your participation has a bigger impact than you may know!

AUSU teamed up with FYidoctors to bring some great preferred partner savings on eyewear to our membership! You can get up to 40% off!

FYidoctors has more than 280 locations across Canada and growing! They were founded by some of Canada’s most reputable and respected optometrists who believe that patients should come before products, and that eye care should be their primary focus.

Jared Maltais and Christian Fotang from the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) join AUSU to talk about the federal election on September 20, what it means for Athabasca University students, and how to make sure your vote counts. AUSU is running a Get Out The Vote campaign to encourage all students to cast their ballot this election and CASA is our key partner in making that campaign work.

Listen Here


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