On March 4th AUSU council convened for a regularly scheduled meeting. All council members were present, along with legislative committee chair Karl Low, Administrative Assistant Carla Benavides, who took minutes, and myself. The following report is based on my observations of what transpired, and is intended to allow students who could not attend understand what… Read more »
:continued from last week. For part 1, see: http://www.ausu.org/voice/articles/articledisplay.php?ART=387 To see him in pictures is not the same – film devours his strange charisma, imprinting only the most inconsequential features of his visage. The resulting photograph depicts someone who looks more like your local insurance salesman than a man who held such power over his… Read more »
They called him Moïse: Moses in English. He looked the part, with his long, straggled, gray and ginger beard, piercing blue eyes, and shamanic poise. No one really knew what he was up to in my Aunt Marie’s old home – or was it Aunt Maude’s? I always forget. Marie and Maude – my great… Read more »
Something you learn from attending university is that every one’s academic interests are a unique blend of disciplines that may derive from personal interests, professional experience, career goals, and the course offerings of their particular university. While many students eventually settle on a single focus, some may choose to split their time between two or… Read more »
Last week I discussed the inadequacy of women’s bra sizing standards, and the notion that most women are wearing the wrong sized bra. This week is a continuation of that article. CUP SIZE UP, BAND SIZE DOWN Here is a little piece of information that I can’t believe I didn’t know. It’s a standard in… Read more »
It’s time to get personal. I’m going to share some private measurement data with you, as I tackle a beef I have had with the women’s fashion industry for a number of years. I’m referring to the abysmal standardized fitting system for women’s bras. I can imagine men [and some women] rolling their eyes already…. Read more »
The Athabasca University Psychology Centre website recently added the History of Psychology Timeline – an exciting new interface for the psychology department’s existing Glossary of Psychological Terms. The Timeline (which can be accessed through http://library.athabascau.ca/drc/subject.htm) is based on data from the glossary, but uses an innovative graphical interface to display the terms and definitions in… Read more »
Athabasca university offers education with convenience that is unparalleled by traditional universities. Everyone who is capable of completing the course work, has equal access to an AU degree, regardless of their geographic location, work schedule, child-care [or elder care] responsibilities, or physical or psychological limitations. AU, in so many ways, fulfills the promise of providing… Read more »
Recently there has been some discussion over whether students should provide free promotional support to the university for the purpose of securing affiliations with other universities, or for any other purpose that increases business for the university. Personally, I have been puzzled by the debate. I had thought that most students are happy to promote… Read more »
Since becoming a full-time AU student in late 1998, I’ve had less time for Christmas than ever before. I’m not sure why that is – I study at home, on my own time, and I can arrange breaks any time I want – but this year is no exception. I thought I would be the… Read more »