Editorial—Reality is Setting In

I was planning, this week, to write an editorial about the Alberta Government’s new legislation that allows them to create new legislation, and create special enforcement forces for that legislation, without ever having to have the new rules debated in our legislature.  Tied to the emergency health regulations, this could allow them to do such things as unilaterally ban abortion in the province, or restart the eugenics program (if you don’t know Alberta’s history, this is one of the black spots on it) all in the name of public health.  Will they? Probably not.  But that they’re giving themselves this ability is concerning.  But then I got sidelined simply by the quality of the articles we have this week.

This is one of our better issues, folks, and while I’m expecting probably about three to four more issues that will be loaded with COVID-19 related content before people, writers included, start to become bored with it, this isn’t that issue. So a good portion of our content is dealing with, in one manner or another, the fallout and reaction to the disease.  In fairness, a reaction—and call to (in)action—that most of us have never seen the likes of during our lifetimes.

I want to specifically note our feature article this week, where Natalia Iwanek gives a scathing review of the Health and Wellness Industry’s response (not to be confused with the medical industry) to COVID-19.   One line that struck me particularly from that article was where she notes that “I am torn between feelings of compassion and feelings of irrational rage,”  My immediate thought was that her rage does not seem that irrational to me.  But you’ll have to read the article and judge for yourself.

Also this week, we’re featuring a Fly on the Wall.  I’ll be honest, I often don’t feature these because they can be a little too dense, a little too abstract, to be the kind of reading that appeals to a wider audience.  I like them for how they make me reconceptualize certain things, but I understand how that may be an acquired taste.  But with this being easter weekend, a look at the history, meaning, and implications of Easter egg panting, especially in the context of COVID-19, struck me as something everybody could get a taste for.

Finally, Angela Pappas brings us another Struggling Student Rants.  In keeping with the COVID-19 theme, she’s looking at Emergency Preparedness Kits and providing a lot of decent resources that you can use to create one, if you haven’t already.  I tend to feel that things are going to get worse yet before they get better, so the idea of being prepared, even if it winds up being over-prepared, might be something to consider.

And if that isn’t enough, Xin Xu steps a bit away from her usual look at foods and reviewing to bring us some ideas of what we can do to keep ourselves amused in a time when so many of the things we used to do are closed or unavailable to us.  It’s worth the read if only for the link to a site that lets us play board games across the net.  Like I needed something else to procrastinate with.  But if you’re up for a game of Catan or the like, and (obviously) can’t get the gang together to play, then this might be a solid option.

Plus of course, we still have reviews, news, events, scholarships, advice, and more. So stay safe, wash your hands, and enjoy the read!