The Voice Magazine recently had a chance to chat with Kady (she/her), a Post LPN-Bachelor of Nursing student living in Price George, British Colombia. Kady stated, “I would like to acknowledge that I am living on the traditional territories of the Lheidli t’enneh.”
On a personal note, Kady is a “39-year-old married mother of 4 children, 3 boys and 1 girl,” who hails “originally from Jamaica, and migrated here in 2008 after meeting my husband in Kamloops.” She continued, “Prior to moving to Canada, I was a small business owner, but always wanted to be a nurse. In 2011, I enrolled in the PN program at Sprott-Shaw College and successfully graduated in 2012, my husband followed shortly after that, and we both got nursing jobs in northern BC where we are now settled in Prince George.” Post-graduation, Kady hopes to work in Primary Care.
When she is not busy studying, she likes to work full time and shop with her children. Kady also finds time to read, crediting The Bible as having a great impact on her life. She explained, “The Bible guides me throughout life and teaches me to be a kind person and make good moral choices.”
She had some great study tips for fellow students. “I best study at nighttime, when the kids are in bed, when I am driving in my car with my book playing through the stereo, or when I get together with my best friend who is also in the program. I also get motivation from my peers, my kids, and my top supporter, my husband Brian.” She credits Brian and her children with having had the greatest influence on her desire to learn.
Kady also had some advice for new and/or prospective students. “I would say try online courses before you commit to a program because most of AU tutors are not supportive, and you can get discouraged and drop or fail your courses easily. I would also suggest that you find a group of students who will support you in your journey.”
Like many students, her experience with online learning has had ups and downs. On a positive note, she stated, “I like that I can study independently and at my own pace.” However, she also mentioned, “I dislike the fact that the tutors are not supportive and AU does not listen to the students when we complain.”
Her most memorable AU course so far has been NURS 435: Professional Practice in Mental Health Promotion, crediting her clinical instructor Rose with being “knowledgeable and motivating.” She explained, “I learned a lot about mental health and current issues surrounding homeless people.”
As for communication with her course tutors? She mentioned, “Not quick enough response time turn around and some tutors are condescending when they reply.”
The Voice Magazine asked Kady what her first project would be if she were the new president of AU. “I would change the course layout from you teaching yourself to the courses being video recorded and weekly meet-ups with the tutors. I would also change the assignment marking timeline to 3 days,” she stated.
We also asked which famous person, past or present, she would like to have lunch with, and why, and she chose Liam Neeson, explaining “I love watching his Angry dad action movies, and would love to discuss how he likes making movies, plus he is in Star Wars, which would make my husband happy.”
On a final note, Kady also shared her most valuable lesson learned with The Voice Magazine, namely “To do unto others as you would like to be done unto you.” And her proudest moment? “Having my children,” she stated. Best of luck Kady!
At times, in an online learning environment, it can feel like you are all alone, but across the nation and around the globe, students just like you are also pursuing their Athabasca University (AU) studies! Each week, The Voice Magazine will be bringing you some of these stories. If you would like to be featured next, do not hesitate to get in touch!