AU Facebook Page
Degree Works Doesn’t Work. A poster mistakenly believed they submitted their course registration plan when they used the Degree Works course planning tool. The poster found out the hard way that this was incorrect now that her funding has been delayed and asks if there is any chance the student financial aid office will allow her to submit her real course registration plan late. The consensus is a resounding “no”.
They’re Watching You. A poster asks if ProctorU sends footage of students taking an exam to Athabasca University and if school staff watch the recordings. Responses clarify that ProctorU has a proctor watch your exam live. The recording is re-watched if the proctor suspects cheating and cheating is reported to AU. AU staff do not watch exam recordings.
@AthabascaU tweets: “We are welcoming over 100 high school students from across Canada as part of the new ShadAnywhere program with @ShadNetwork! Students will work with #AthabascaU experts and learn about #STEAM topics in a fully online summer science program.”
@aulibarchives tweets: “Interested in what borrowing privileges you have at AU Library? Have a look at our loan rules: #borrowing”