What if I fail the final exam? A high-performance student (3.93 GPA) went into a final exam with a 98% average but failed. A student says the course stays open for 30 days after the end date, wherein a supplemental exam can be written. Another student says that the mark will be replaced with the higher one after writing the supplemental exam. The student who mentioned the 30 days indicates that if the supplemental is failed, the course can be retaken.
Will an AU undergrad get me into a master’s at another university? A student questions whether a university will accept an AU undergrad for acceptance into a master’s program. Another student confirms that an AU BSc led to an MBA at Carleton, as AU is fully accredited, although GPA is a consideration.
Need food support during grad studies? @AthabascaU posts, “Did you know the Athabasca University Graduate Students’ Association has a food assistance program to support AU grad students? Emergencies happen. We are here to do what we can to help. Visit http://AUGSA.com to learn more.”
Which research sources are most reliable? @aulibarchives posts, “Has your instructor asked you to use peer-reviewed sources? Or do you just want to know how to tell which sources are the most reliable? Visit out Peer-Review Research Guide for more information! https://libguides.athabascau.ca/peer_review.”
Here’s how to financially recover from the holidays. @athabascaUBiz writes, “Feeling the pinch post-holiday spending? Professor of Finance, Dr. Eric Wang, offers some advice on getting your accounts back on track: https://www.athabascau.ca/news/faculty-of-business/financial-tips-to-recover-from-holiday-overspending.”