CBC/Radio Canada
Website: http://cbc.radio-canada.ca/jobs/students/
CBC/Radio Canada lists all internships they have available on their website. You can view the details of and apply for these internships online at the website listed above. You can also apply to have your resume added to a database that CBC/Radio Canada uses to fill its summer intern positions.
Position Description: Entry level positions in the areas of administrative, clerical, and TV & Radio programming and production.
Pay: Not mentioned.
Eligibility Requirements: Must be a student.
Time and length: Not mentioned.
How to apply: Visit the website listed above and apply online.
The Center for a New American Dream
Website: http://www.newdream.org/main/jobs.html
The Center for a New American Dream promotes protection of the environment and social justice. The Center offers paid, unpaid and for credit internships.
Unpaid Internships
Position Description: Various tasks available depending on whether the Center has space, capacity and appropriate projects.
Pay: Unpaid.
Eligibility Requirements: None mentioned.
Time and Length: Length varies. The Center is open Monday-Thursday 9 am – 5pm and interns are expected to work at least one 8 hour day a week.
How to apply: First review their programs and staff list to determine which area or for whom you would like to work for. Send a Cover Letter (stating the hours you would be able to work each week, what days and for how long you are available, and what areas you would like to work in), resume and a 2-4 page writing sample by mail to: Unpaid/Credit Internship, Center for a New American Dream, 6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 900, Takoma Park, MD 20912
Or by e-mail to newdream@newdream.org
Paid Internships
Position Description: Various positions.
Pay: Yes, $1,250 per month.
Eligibility Requirements: Recent College or University graduates preferred but students may apply. “Interns are expected to have an interest, knowledge, and/or experience in issues related to sustainable consumption, the environment, or social justice.”
Time and Length: Internships are 12 months long and begin in the spring, summer and fall.
How to apply: The Center lists more details about each of their available paid internships online at the website mentioned above. Each internship description contains instructions on how to apply.
For Credit Internships
Internships for academic credit are available in the fall or spring and require the intern to work 16 hours a week.
UNICEF Internship Program
Position description: Various positions.
Pay: Unpaid.
Eligibility Requirements: Must be a graduate or post graduate student enrolled at the time of the internship, must be fluent in English and either French or Spanish, must have excellent academic performance, your application must be supported by your University or a related institution (e.g. they will accept a letter from one of your professors supporting the application as a minimum), and work experience is an asset but not required.
Time and length: Internships range from 6 -16 weeks. Some internships may be part-time or virtual.
How to apply: You may apply at any time. In order to apply you must fill out the application form on their website and send it to internships@unicef.org for internships in New York and to the head of the office concerned for internships outside of New York. A list of the offices is available on their website.
United Nations Development Program Internships
Website: http://www.undp.org/ohr/Interns/intern.htm
Position Description: Interns will be working in areas related to development and international studies.
Pay: Unpaid.
Eligibility requirements: The UNDP lists the following minimum requirements on their website:
“¢ Enrollment in a graduate-level degree programme in a development related field such as economics, international relations, anthropology, sociology, public or business administration, or environmental studies. Only those students who will return to their studies upon completion of their internship assignments are eligible.
“¢ Demonstrated interest in the field of development
“¢ Language skills: written and spoken proficiency in at least two of the three working languages used by UNDP: English, French and Spanish. Fluency in Arabic, Portuguese, Russian or Eastern European language is an asset.
“¢ An interest in global mobility; adaptability to varied physical and other environments; a desire to work with and gain the confidence and respect of people with different language, national and cultural backgrounds.
“¢ Respect for the principles of the United Nations Charter and the UNDP Statement of Purpose.
Time and length: Part-time and full-time internships are available. The length varies.
How to apply: You must fill out the application form available on their website and mail it to the bureau/country office you are interested in working with. There is a list of all bureau/country offices and their addresses on the website.