As August deepens into late summer, the harvest begins rolling into farmers? markets everywhere. we’re all aware of the environmental benefits of home preserving fruits, vegetables, and herbs, but the task of preparing it all seems daunting. These links suggest that it might be quite easy to set out on the journey toward ecological self-sufficiency.
Home and garden superstore Lowe’s offers this video guide to canning tomatoes. The website also includes a link to a set of printable instructions to bring with you on your kitchen adventure.
This easy-to-use publication, produced by Iowa State University, describes methods for preparing over 50 different vegetables and fruits for long-term freezer storage.
Fresh herbs are one of the easiest parts of the harvest to preserve. This video, from Fine Gardening magazine, explains a few of the traditional methods for drying herbs for culinary use.
Even if you’ve no time for canning, you still don’t need to give up the pleasure of fresh, homemade jam. Better Homes and Gardens has provided this video describing how to make simple, no-cook freezer berry jam that keeps in the freezer for up to a year.
Got more canning questions? Want to learn how to smoke or cure meat? Or pickle cantaloupe? Or make sauerkraut? The National Center for Home Food Preservation, an extension of the University of Georgia, answers these questions and more on its website, a fantastic resource for those keen on preserving the harvest. The site includes how-tos, safety tips, recipes, PDF publications, and even a self-study course on canning.