Let’s just start off with the good stuff. Our feature article this week is an interview with AU’s newest writer-in-residence, Katherena Vermette. Tania Parker talks to this Governor General award-winning writer about her routine and what she’s going to be doing while serving as AU’s writer-in-residence.
The writer-in-residence program is one that, like the Write Site, not a lot of students know about. But, if you’re an aspiring writer or looking to add the flair that might convert your “B” grade into an “A”, a resource that you should be looking into.
Also, this week, we have the experience of a former student who’s returned to AU to take an extra course. Not for the grade, not because it’s required for her job, but simply as a form of enjoyment.
If that sounds hard to believe, then you need to check out our article “Going Back for Dessert .”
I don’t think it’s really that odd of a thing, however, and expect many students would consider it (probably more if it weren’t for the cost of the courses), as there gets to be a certain routine when you’re taking courses, and shortly after graduating it can be difficult to let that go.
For some people, they may also be dealing with the realization that they became a student not because they had any specific goals they were looking for, but more as a way to break with what they were doing before, or, for some, even as a way to avoid having to enter the world of work and drudgery. For those people, that one last course that you don’t have to take, but just want to, could be a great way to cement which side of that fence you’re on.
Plus, we interview a musical group of self-professed metal heads who don’t play metal. What happens when progressive metal music fans put together a folk band? Read our interview with Montreal’s Mangeur des Rêves to find out!
There is also an article this week that is one of those I find myself strongly disagreeing with even as I admit it deserves to be in The Voice Magazine. Francesca Carone looks at the recent changes to electoral law passed by the federal government and presents us an article noting many of the concerns that people have brought forward about the changes. I don’t share those concerns myself, and think that the changes made are, in general, solid ones that will help democracy (though not as much as implementing some form of proportional representation would have been). Still, she presents a fair summary of what many people are saying about the changes, and if you’re interested in what’s going on in our democracy, it’s worth a read.
I’m hopeful someone (who’s not me) would take a look at it and decide to write the other side, as I’d love to see the current viewpoint of other students. Maybe I’m just out to lunch, and she’s on point, after all. Until then, we’ve still got reviews, news, events, advice, and more! Enjoy the read!