Three-Ingredient Netflix-Ready Snacks

Many students are finishing up their studies as convocation looms, so now’s the time to lock yourself in the comfort of your bedroom to binge watch your family TV shows.  While you’re curled up in a cozy blanket, you might be tempted for some quick, easy snacks.  It’s unfortunate that most snackable foods are at room temperature and not piping hot like a sizzling pound of wings or refreshingly cool like a margarita.  If you’re looking for simple snackables for your next Netflix binge, look no further.  We have a list that AU students can rely on.  Moreover, all of these items that meet your snacking needs contain only three ingredients that are affordable and delicious.  Go ahead.  Treat yourself now that exams are over.  Now, which season and episode were you on again?

Nutella Crepe:

Banana + Nutella Spread + Tortilla bread

  • I remember a younger me heading to Famoso’s Pizza after school to check out a novelty menu item called the Nutella pizza. I was quite satisfied with the sugar boost in the late afternoon but some part of me felt cheated, given that the banana pizza was really a Nutella crepe.  Simple to make and delicious, regardless of whether it was made by the Famoso chef or by myself.  If you’re looking for a quick fix, there’s only 3 ingredients you need.  Whipped cream can be an optional topping if you’re hosting guests, but this recipe will be an essential to your evening of tv shows.


Jalapeno Poppers:

Jalapeno + Mozza Cheese + Bacon

  • Why purchase Jalapeno poppers when you can create and improvise this infamous party food? Purchase the desired amount of Jalapenos and a pack of mozzarella cheese. Using a toothpick secure the cheese and Jalapeno with a single layer of bacon casing.  Toss the concoction into the toaster oven for 15-20 minutes and you’re ready for showtime.
Mac & Cheese Dog:

Kraft Dinner + Summer sausage + Hot dog Bread

  • If Kraft dinner was a staple during the pre-exam season, then I recommend that you skip this delicious and simple recipe or replace the Mac and Cheese with some salsa or canned chili instead. For me, Kraft dinner still holds a unique place in my recipes given how versatile it can be.  While the regular hot dog maybe downright dull, adding a unique topping will boost your appetite and set you in the mood for rest and relaxation.
Baked Sweet Potato Chips:

Sweet Potato + Salt + Rosemary flakes

  • The trend towards healthier snacking starts with choosing quality ingredients such as sweet potatoes. They are delicious on its own but with some seasoning, you can create your own sweet potato fries or chips, customized for your taste.  An alternative I have experimented with include carrots and rosemary flakes which are equally delicious and provide a boost of vitamin A.
Sparkling Lemonade:

Lemonade + Champagne + Club Soda

  • If you’re looking for some innovative drinks to chase down your snacks with, this combination is excellent for celebrations (such as completing that last final exam). For the non-alcoholic alternative, try adding some frozen fruits to your lemonde such as raspberry or cranberry for a natural edition of “pink lemonade”.