Editorial—Congratulations Graduates!

Once again, the time for convocation is here.  AU students graduate every month of the year, but every year in June many of them all get together to put a final stamp on the work and learning they’ve achieved.  This year, students attending convocation will unfortunately not be able to tour the campus grounds, as the event is being held in Red Deer to ensure that the wild fires in Northern Alberta don’t derail it, but that doesn’t make it any less of a celebration.  And whether you’re attending convocation or not, you could do worse than to give yourself a few moments today to celebrate your achievement.  Graduating from AU isn’t easy.  Even with extensions or supplemental exams, many students simply don’t make it all the way through.

And it’s not just the self-driven nature of AU studies, though that causes many students to fall by the wayside, unable to muster the discipline to complete their courses while trying to juggle everything else life throws at us.  Some of AU’s courses are notably more difficult than similar types of courses you’d find at a brick and mortar university.  Because for a very long time, AU had something to prove.  It had to get beyond the idea that it was simply a degree-by-mail, or an institution people went to because they couldn’t get in anywhere else.  You can see that in some of the courses, where a junior level course is asking for a level of research that you normally wouldn’t see until third year in a brick an mortar institution.

So it’s a hard degree, folks, and if you’ve made it, or even if you’re still struggling with it, take a moment to congratulate yourself. You’ve already accomplished what few can and fewer do.  And whether you’re walking across the stage, or just leaning back in your chair with your parchment on the wall and watching the ceremonies on the web, congratulations.

When you’re done watching convocation, though, be sure to read through this latest issue of The Voice Magazine.  Compare the latest convocation with those from the past by checking out the Vintage Voice.  Or take a look at our feature student interview with Lisa Bennett—dual citizen, crime aficionado, AU student.  We also have a quick lesson from the Wanda Waterman School of Writing for Business.  Honestly, I don’t know if I’d recommend taking her advice on this one, but I’ll certainly recommend reading the article, especially if you want a lesson in the sardonic.

And then, the Porkpie Hat takes an early morning to reflect on the words of Kurt Vonnegut when he speaks of travel and dancing lessons from God.  When you’re in your pyjamas in front of the fire, it can be funny how the memories that move you the most later in life are the moves you didn’t think would be the memorable ones.

Plus we’ve of course got our usual selection of news, course reviews, events, scholarships, and, once you’re through with convocation, even some advice on how to make that in-flight meal back home a little better.

Enjoy the read!