One of humanity’s most primal and enduring symbols is that of the forest. Reaching back into some of our earliest folktales, it has represented our often-uneasy relationship with the world; a largely uncharted domain of shifting shadows and potential dangers. Always, we are pulled from the safety of the known—the warm circle of family, the… Read more »
Back-to-school season for students often means an overwhelming series of stimuli and activity. AU students particularly have a host of to-dos on their list including paying tuition, stocking up on school supplies and Kraft dinner. And then there’s the lack of income security and the hefty cost of education. However, there are many hidden perks… Read more »
Do you want the brain of John von Neumann or the bod of Wonder Woman? Well, what you nibble now builds or breaks you later. (Same with what you think and do now.) You see, your body replaces cells fast. You get a spanking-new body every seven years. That might mean you grow a new… Read more »
FREN 100 (French for Beginners I) is a three-credit, introductory French course designed for students who wish to begin learning French. This course will familiarize students with the foundations of the French language and will help them to develop the four basic language skills of reading, writing, aural comprehension, and speaking. This course may be… Read more »
AthaU Facebook Group Lesley seeks feedback on ENGL 305 Literature for Children; based on overwhelmingly positive reviews she decides to enroll in the course. Chanelle needs six science credits and students offer their course recommendations. Other posts include writing an exam past the course contract date, creative uses for old study notes, Jason’s rant of… Read more »
Scholarship name: Baffinland’s 2018 Scholarships Sponsored by: Baffinland Iron Mines Deadline: August 10, 2018 Potential payout: $5000 Eligibility restriction: Applicants must be Nunavut Inuit and enrolled full-time in a post-secondary education program. See full eligibility requirements. What’s required: A completed application form, your most recent school transcript, a copy of your resume, along with a… Read more »
When it comes to barbecue season, Canadians only have about four months of the year to truly enjoy feasting in the lush green carpet of our backyard. For students, hosting barbecues can be a fantastic way to entertain family and friends. Backyard barbecues don’t have to be a big fuss when you plan ahead and… Read more »
Scholarship name: 4‑H First Generation Scholarship Sponsored by: 4-H Canada and The Coca-Cola Foundation Deadline: May 31, 2018 Potential payout: $1000 Eligibility restriction: Applicants must be Canadian residents, be 4-H members, be starting or returning to post-secondary education in September 2018, have a GPA of at least 3.0 or equivalent, and demonstrate financial need. Additionally,… Read more »
AthaU Facebook Group Elli makes a comparison of getting a degree to getting a wax; painfully true! Dustin asks for feedback on studying languages at AU; several students share their experiences. Kish seeks clarification on whether to book exams with ProctorU or AU first; most responders say ProctorU first, but Kerri says for ProctorU exams,… Read more »